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It has been found that people living with Dementia may not share all of their thoughts with family and friends and it can be very insightful to have someone they feel comfortable sharing those things. Marcy provides a very supportive and loving atmosphere for those thoughts and feelings to easily flow. Marcy offers one-on-one support for the person living with Dementia and their loved ones loving their way through it. I am available throughout the week and I can be contacted for dates and times of available appointments. 

Support/Skill Groups

This is an opportunity to share your thoughts and your fears with someone that understands and will actively seek solutions with you. Sharing these thoughts and fears might open a pathway for understanding and coping that has yet to come to light.

At this time, I am seeking more ​opportunities to support those caring for someone living with Dementia. I am available to support/coordinate/facilitate groups of individuals that would like to gather in person or online together for skill and techniques to positively add to their “toolbox” of resources.

Please fill out the contact form in order to begin the skill group discussion with me. I am here...

Supportive Coaching

Individual Coaching and 
Supportive/Skill Groups